
Discipline is meaningless if it is not internalized, exercised and deeply valued.

All Superheroes have it, and it can't be given—it must be earned. We can help each other earn, exercise + reinforce it by generously, curiously, courageously + consciously spotting, supporting + holding each other + ourselves accountable.

Shame and humiliation shut down our learning centers and distract us with defensiveness. 

And we don't have time for distraction.

We have before us an incredible mission—*We* are the superheroes. The entire Future lay at our mercy, dependent upon our discipline.

It will require courage, tenacity, generosity, curiosity and attention to detail. We will fall and we will rise and we will battle to help bolster and lift all Life around us. Again and again and again. For as long as we can keep ourselves afloat amidst the apparently infinite uni/multiverse...maybe even multiverse?!  

And practice starts now. 


Rather than changing cards, moving clips or assigning detention—I invite, encourage, expect and support FutureHeroes to take the reigns, take the wheel, take responsibility for themselves and their choices and to leverage that position of power to improve their own lives and the lives of everyone and everything with which we share this magnificent planet—thriving with precious Life and Curiosity, hurtling—a speck through the immensely vast stars.

Tackling real world problems with real world tools + engaging all of our senses + intelligences together in our adventures. Explorations + discoveries hones our focus, and we are comfortable speaking clearly + directly with each other to identify + examine obstacles and solutions, individually + collectively. 

Our Crew Cartography + Learning Logs will help guide us and document our obstacles + growth. 

Alfie Kohn, Marshall B. Rosenberg + Carl Sagan are some of my deepest inspirations. 


<merge with two other discipline blogs and find somewhere for this link: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/05/schools-behavior-discipline-collaborative-proactive-solutions-ross-greene>