Hello Hero :)

Hello Hero :)

I want to change the world and I'm looking for a band of heroes with whom to team.

I want to leverage my incredible childhood, my magnificent MAT and my decade of social media and communication entrepreneurship spanning startups to tech to finance to advertising to help kids hone their superpowers for real world application, challenges and triumphs. 

I want to ignite intellects and souls, young and old, today and Tomorrow with the tools and powers and magic of the Story of Reality.

I want to spark the #CuriosityContagion in our Superheroes—to spread curiosity skipping and sparkling about, individual to classroom, classroom to community, today to tomorrow, here and beyond.

I want to build a stronger and more sustainable #FoundationOfTheFuture, enriched with sparkling curiosity and reinforced with the solid rebar of wonderstanding—because there is no more valuable imperative than that foundation. 

I want to fight hard for education from the micro to the macro—I want to ignite our collective curiosity and put it to work solving real world problems so that our youth are prepared for today and Tomorrow, so that the spark *might* flicker on, defiantly against the darkness.


I want to help train Superheroes. I want to ignite Stars.

I want to Light up the night.

This *can* happen. We can *do* this—we *have* to do this. We can change education, we can change ourselves, each other, the world. We can reach into Tomorrow and make it worse or better.

*That's an incredible reality*

There's no sound reason standing in our way. We have already overcome so much more in our journey as Earthlings. We can ignite fires, Renaissances—what could possibly propel us to hamper that flame?

If *we* can connect—our powers combined...!!!I very reasonably argue, appeal and act that we *can* build a stronger and more sustainable #FoundationOfTheFuture—that we *might* change the world...the Universe...the Multiverse?!?

mp3:http://bit.ly/IIUVRB We are star dust, reaching out to the universe. The 15th Symphony of Science video featuring Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Richard Feynman and Lawrence Krauss.

We are stardust, in the highest exalted way—reaching out, to the Universe, with these methods and tools of science…” There is an urgency and a joy to unearthing and sharing this Treasure of Wonderstanding. Science and math—the literal languages, structure, bones of our Universe...the alluring twinkle of stories and the astounding power of persuasion—song and dance and paint and chemistry and physics and biology—so many portals and lenses and cosmic expressions and tools to combine and explore and connect. ”We are a way for the Cosmos to know Itself.”

These senses, our senses— our *superpowers* are all connected, evolved and honed over the eons<—tools we can *use*! We can leverage and lift each other in never-ending effort to strengthen each other, strengthen education, strengthen the planet.

We can Soar.