Citizens United Newsletter

We understand the importance of communication, the sharing of ideas, experiences and curiosities, the intellectual coffee houses of the Enlightenment—and we practice these daily between ourselves, each other and our collective crew in our Field Notes, Learning Logs and C3

We document and archive our journeys so that other future adventurers *might* benefit from our adventures and experiences.

And we also understand the importance of reaching beyond our own immediate circle and extending our reach out into our community, to send letters of our adventures to our families back home. 

And we do this in the form of publishing—a real world practice through real-world, professional tools. Crew members get to see their work in the wild and observe it from a distance and in the public realm. As a part of this public service/practice, crew members will also cite their resources to empower future readers to dig deeper and see for themselves. 

Each newsletter has two crew-managed slots: 

  • Feast! —This section reminds us to celebrate our relative riches to those who came before us and the potential that *might* yet become. We also help each other think of healthy, unit-relevant foods that we might easily pack in lunches or make for dinner at home. We are sure to include the essentials as well as the context, historical, nutritional, scientific and cultural. 
  • Citizen Spotlight—Featuring friends in and beyond the classroom via features/interviews.

I will handle first few weeks until we feel familiar and comfortable in Writer's Workshop. Then students will alternate as editors and features, and if students have an express interest in a particular unit, they can submit a request to share a feature during that unit. If I can make it work, I will. Crew members will have time during Writer's Workshop to work on their projects, and will be in charge of sending the newsletter and copying to the class blog. We will review stats together as a class the following week.