Classroom Treasure Map, Communal Cartographers

Life is a journey—we're at the helm. 

The more we collaborate, support, challenge and reinforce, the stronger we all become. 

We are all gathered together as crew on an adventure here in this classroom, a cohort of Earthlings exploring the Uni(Multi?!)verse on Spaceship Earth and in the Spaceships of Imagination. 

To guide us in our journeys? 

Our map. 


We will chart what we can anticipate, noting areas of trouble—reefs, maelstroms that might hang us up, distract, slow or deter us in our adventures and plotting routes around those obstacles. 

Our guiding star is "Does it help or does it distract?" Charted on our map are key tools we can use to avoid hazards—raising our hands before speaking, moving and working quietly and considerately, leaving it better than we found it both physically and emotionally, seeking to lift, nurture, cultivate + celebrate each other. 


As a sign of commitment to the crew, ourselves, each other + the Treasure we seek, we all mix our own shade of green and plant our signature handprint on the Tree of Life + Learning. 

Also shared with our crew is our annual map, an overview of our general journeys throughout the year, empowering the crew with a big picture plan + purpose.