Collection Basket

Have you ever been in a group of people who passed a basket to collect an offering; money, food or otherwise? Individuals coming together to invest in something bigger than themselves; pieces coming together to strengthen the whole?

Our studies, adventures and ideas are the treasure that we hunt and gather—for both the classroom and the larger community. When we turn in projects/work of any sort—we are making our offering, dedicating our found, earned and honed resources into the communal Collection Basket. It is an honor to be able to serve and strengthen each other and Tomorrow—we pay it back to all those who came before by paying it forward to those who might yet become. 

Our Collection Basket is a deliberate reminder of our riches, honor and responsibility. It reminds us to celebrate and hold dear our rich opportunity to learn so that we might serve, study and grow with people who love and challenge and support us. It reminds us of the value that awaits and rewards effort, precision, generosity, tenacity. It reminds us to make any last minute notes anywhere we want to build out next, any pending questions, curiosities. It reminds us to live presently, mindfully, fully; engaging with each other, ourselves and the riches all around and throughout.