Seekers Day 2 — Science; Honey Words

  • Science—
  • What/Why/How is Science <Venn? Table?>? <evidence, inference> How are Science + Stories interwoven? 
    • Evidence/Inference/Reality—So, we've explored the role of stories and their susceptibilities to cultures and time; we've seen how messages can change as they're handed on, one generation after the next. With that in mind, do we always take things at face value? <metaphors, we don't really we don't really, various other susceptibilities> How can we reinforce and find our footing in a world rich with metaphor and play? <science-define, as a tool, etc. > 
    • (read excerpt from The Value of Science? or later? may be better for Discoverers unit...)
  • Gather round for a story <Honey Words>
    • <Quick predictions/guesses/ideas>
    • Why that title? Why did he do it? Why did they do it? What could have saved the monkeys time and energy? Now that they are stronger physically, do you think they are also stronger intellectually? How do you think they would handle it the next time? How would you handle it? <discussion/s>
    • What is Science? Why is Science? How is Science? <journal>
    • Energy is neither created nor destroyed—what happens? What's its timeline? Where does it start and where does it end? Where do we get energy? Where does our energy get energy? Where does our energy go?  <separate lesson>