Why? How? : Curiosity, Community, Coming Together To Overcome.

We’re 99.9% genetically identical. Born in the bellies of stars, gestated in Earth’s waters—only *just* beginning to crawl, gasping, ashore; only *just* beginning to gaze, bleary-eyed, upon the heavens from whence we came.

How far *might* we yet soar…?


We, Earth, have a lot coming over the horizon—we have to deny distractors and dividers and #ComeTogetherToOvercome. We are the #FoundationOfTheFuture; we must #BuildStrong.

We are all children of Africa—we are seekers, storytellers, inventors, scientists, musicians, family. We can’t fully prepare our children for a future that we don’t yet know—but we can ignite them with the curiosity and teach them how to fuel, maintain, and share that flicker of hope, hunger.

We can uncover the rich treasure of our share past, stories, music, and food. We can discover and piece together math and science as we trace the adventurous path alongside our ancestors. We can begin to see the interwoven connections of math and music, and begin to explore, experiment, and build our own music, laying the foundation with the rhythm of African drums. We can travel through time and space to weave in the influences and inspiration of our ancestors, hoping that we might one day deserve the honor of being ancestors to future generations.

We can boldly, bravely, proudly, and generously serve present, future, and past by engaging in addressing, connecting around, and working to solve issues within our ever-rippling communities, local to global, online and off.

Working alongside each other instills a camaraderie, appreciation, and respect for a host of riches, outlined in the Common Core and well-beyond. Real world problem solving is the skill/superpower that every generation needs to be strong and disciplined in leveraging. Exercising these muscles will empower students to continue to uncover treasure and pass the torch. Data collection and analyzation reinforces our efforts, and helps move us toward stronger Tomorrows.

#FoundationOfTheFuture. #BuildStrong. #ThisIsSparta.