Cultivating Cultivators

What is your philosophy and experience re: teaching ethics, social awareness, values and social skills, articulation, persuasion and decision? 

Obviously actions speak louder than words, and stories speak to our soul. 

Back that up with the *fact* that we are all connected—to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, to the rest of the Universe atomically. Connect that to the *fact* that we are 99.9% genetically identical, born in the bellies of stars, gestated in Earth's waters, only *just* beginning to crawl ashore, only *just* beginning to gaze, bleary-eyed, at the stars from whence we came. How high *might* we soar?

Build that upon the *fact* that we stand upon the #ShouldersOfGiants, seeing for them that saw for us that Tomorrow *might* see. Weave that in with the *fact* that the future is rich in pregnant potential unborn—quite literally treasures beyond our wildest dreams. #OhWowOhWowOhWow... Literally #TreasuresUntold...!

Reminding ourselves and each other of the *fact* that we have more connecting us than dividing us—far more power in connection than division. Celebrating that *fact* that we can build bridges with ideas articulated into words. Our horizons are boundless, we're in this together. #SpaceshipEarth.

Exalting the imperative to hone our powers persuasion—for whoever is most persuasive wins, and we must protect each other and ourselves from deceit, distraction, division and destruction, today and Tomorrow. 

Considering the *fact* that our breath builds the #FoundationOfTheFuture — #InspireOrExpire. Putting our backs into the *fact* that our hands plant and cultivate, reap and sow Life and nourishment for generations. Revering the *fact* that our hearts and minds nourish and protect that Torch of Wonderstanding, Spark of Curiosity, Coal of Life. We can give Life + Light, the candle is not dimmed by sharing its flame.

When we just open our eyes and look around at what *IS* we begin to see and Realize that *we* are the Superheroes, the Explorers—all Tomorrows depending upon us; our choice, our breath, our discipline, our tenacity. Here we stand, capes around our necks—choke or soar. 



After that it's just a matter of helping each other stretch and reach as far as we can in our glimmering Life on this magnificent planet in what may very well be a Multiverse...what a treat, what an honor—opportunity galore. Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge, bearing future-feeding fruit.