Bridging the Gap, Day 7—Morning Meeting

After Opening Up Shop, we orient ourselves by focusing our lens on the ideas on the horizon—endeavoring to ignite hearts + brains + Tomorrows


  • Discuss: Connect our writing/communication to bridges. Graph similarities/differences.
  • Why do we share ideas? What types of ideas do we share? How do we share ideas?
  • Our brains grow by building networks of neurons—do we build literal + metaphorical brain bridges as we learn + digest new concepts + ideas? What kinds of bridges have we been building this week?
  • How about in our Writer's Workshop? Let's think about our own work + the work we've shared this week.
  • During our Workshop today, let's revise, review + polish our current pieces, noting different kinds of bridges from transition words, sentences + compound sentences, to literal bridges + related info to metaphorical extensions + connections.
  • Then we will share, explore + discuss back at our Sharea.

By the end of the Morning Meeting, students will be better-able to:


  • 4.SLS.1b, c, d; .2; .3; .5; .6
  • Explore + consider how the original rope inspired growth + innovation in modern + future rope. (vines, ropes, wires, mzr, standards)
  • Detect patterns + leverage tools including charts, diagrams + graphs to organize, interpret +communicate thoughts + ideas. 
  • Explain why the thread doesn't change shape as the weight moves along the deck. 

By the end of the *day*, students will be better able to:

  • Identify, explain + use compression, tension, cable, chain, anchorage, towers, cables, hangers, stability, lateral, trusses, deck, catenary curve, angles (degrees of what?).
  • Identify, explain + use compression, tension, cable, chain, anchorage, towers, cables, hangers, stability, lateral, trusses, deck, catenary curve, angles (degrees of what?).
  • Observe + note, compare/contrast different bridges, finding differences + similarities.
  • Listen generously + curiously + share ideas thoughtfully.
  • Hypothesize, experiment, explore with playfulness + attention to detail. 
  • Appreciate, explore + exercise adaptability.
  • Apply forward to imagine Tomorrows. 
  • Identify + share context of : Anchorage? Verazano Narrows, 4260; Humber 4,626, Akashi-Kaikyo 5,840.
  • Ropes—what are they, where did they come from, how do we use them?
  • What was the first rope? How do you think it was used? What are our earliest clues? predict, analyze, do you think there might be older uses lost to Time?
  • Observe, note + discuss Suspension Slide Show. (bk52) What do we notice? How does it work? How do they do it? Cluster Chats to Group Exploration. Note thoughts on board <tension, compression, cooperation, reinforcement: vines, twizzlers: measure tension, c/c chain vs. cable, note, Turn + Teach, listen + observe.> (what do you think inspired the chain? the cable? )
  • Tension/Compression—what do we know about these words? <graph Venn Diagram of compare/contrast—both forces, one lengthens, one shortens> How would we apply tension to a rope? Compression? <practice with invisible rope>
  • We have a real rope here—how could we all apply tension together? Feel the tension—what's happening with the rope? What's the relation to compression? <gentle group demo of tension/compression with the rope, discuss + chart observations.>
  • Recenter to examine, study + discuss suspension bridges + bridge parts. Project Suspension Slide Show on the whiteboard + label the parts: anchorage, towers, cable, hangers, deck, lateral trusses, catenary curve, angles (mzr), tension, compression, polygon. (BaT 30) catena, adaptability
  • Slide of pages AoC 75-76—how are we able to have such long bridges today? what will the bridges of Tomorrow look like? 
  • Slides AoC 77-79—we'll look more closely at this during math today (with twizzlers). How do you lift the weight? Note distance of hands vs height. What do we notice? Note + graph thrust, sag, span + angles. Explain what + why polygons? What is a curve? What is a catenary/catena: heavy chain. How many corners on a circle? How does adaptability serve?
  • Slides AoC 80-81— How + why do we stabilize? What + why a hanger? Why doesn't the thread change shape when the weight is moved along the deck? 
  • Slides AoC 82-82—Neck stretches—Turn + Teach: Where is the tension/compression? Anchorage? Verazano Narrows, 4260; Humber 4,626, Akashi-Kaikyo 5,840.

<centers: empty thread, thread with one weight, thread with 3, thread with 7—how many corners on a circle? > (update objective per details)

Divide desk cluster into pairs to sketch and label suspension bridge from the ground up, just like it would be built. Regroup with groups taking turns Group Sketching + labeling the bridge piece by piece on the whiteboard as leader calls out vocab words one-by-one.


  • Hearts+Minds, Large rope, Date of 1st documented rope + context, BK 52 slide/h.o., clean whiteboard
  • Centers: 


In this Morning Meeting, we will exercise the following Common Core Standards:


  • rs4.10.7—interpret information presented visually, orally or quantitatively (e.g. in charts, graphs, daigrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on a web page) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears. 
  • rs4.10.9—integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
  • rs4.10.10—read + comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts with scaffolding as needed. 
  • ws4.10.1—support/foundation, literal/metaphorical, the importance of holding ourselves + each other to firmly grounded foundations. 
  • sl4.12.1—engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and led) with diverse partners on topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. 


  • ws4.10.2a—intro a topic clearly and group related information with headings, illustrations and multimedia as helpful. <modeled>
  • ws4.10.2.b—develop topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations or other info + examples related to the topic. 
  • ws4.11.2c—link ideas within categories; "thin cables are able to sustain relatively heavy weight because..."
  • ws4.11.2d—use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain a topic. 
  • ws4.11.3d—use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely. 
  • ws4.11.3e—provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events. 
  • ws4.11.7—conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. 
  • ws4.11.8—recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes, paraphrase, and categorize information, and provide a list of sources. 
  • ws4.11.9— draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research. 
  • sl4.12.1b—follow agreed upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles. 
  • sl4.12.1c—pose + respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information and make comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others. 
  • sl4.12.1d—review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion. 
  • sl4.12.2—paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively and orally. 
  • sl4.12.3—identify the reasons and evidence a speaker or source provides to support particular points. 
  • sl4.12.5—add audio recordings and visual displays to presentations as helpful to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.
  • ls4.14.5c—demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites (antonyms) and to words with similar but not identical meanings (synonyms).
  • ls4.14.6—acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being and particular to a topic.
  • ccrs4.14.1



analyze, macro/transcend the details, consider history + timelines, treasures, artifacts, survivors. meatphor, physics/forces/tension/compression, diagram, observe, document, measure, predict, experiment, measure, analyze/transcend details. identify, label, whole child, ignite hearts + brains. discipline, leadership. communication/articulation/translation. c/c.

(context), objectives/swbat, blooms, whole child/intelligences, maslow, scaffolding/accommodation-moderation-differentiation (difference bw two?), preass, direct-guided-independent-extension-assessment-homework-extention

pbl, etc——all outlined in LP Intro blog, unlink all but main lps...?