Bridging the Gap, Day 7—Scientific Explorations

SWBAT—Students will be able to. We start every lesson with this ritual to center and focus students so they know their goals, maps and measurements. (italics will just be practiced, not spotlighted). 

Forces/Physics—force is either a push or a pull; tension/compression. What pulls? Gravity. Mass, dancing forces.

4.IE.6—Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other three strands, students should develop their own questions and perform investigations. Students will: 

4.IE.6a—Differentiate observation from inference (interpretation) and know scientists' explanations come partly from what they observe and partly from how they interpret their observations. 

4.IE.6b—Measure and estimate weight, length or volume of objects. 

4.IE.6c—Formulate and justify predictions based on cause-and-effect relationships. 

4IE.6d—Conduct multiple trials to test a prediction and draw conclusions about the relationships between predictions and results. 

4.IE.6e—Construct and interpret graphs from measurements. 

4.IE.6f—Follow a set of written instructions for a scientific investigation. 



<Stand Up + Stretch—recall rope stretches from Morning Meeting, stretch + compress (stretch between shoulder blades) end with neck stretches—pause there. Recall Chuck Norris necks from earlier. How are neck stretches like suspension bridges? Right hand, left hand, both hands—what do you notice? (obs/inf?) Quickly Venn Diagram similarities/differences. Roughly sketch the fundamental lines of a suspension bridge, label + circle the part that you think is connected to the neck stretches. I'll sketch simultaneously, and then a representative from each group will come up + circle their hypothesis + explain their reasoning.

Discuss anatomy of a finger—extend + bend index fingers, examine + chart observations. What does anatomy mean? Does the bending of your finger remind you of any other kind of bending we've examined today? (BK 15 + sponge)> (obs/inf?)

<return to clusters + partner for Balancing Act (what happens when the force in unequal? equal? (steady/unsteady—do we see that extension of balance/equality beyond books + bridges? (social, spiritual—list ideas on board + discuss similarities/differences.)

BK p18—Pushes & Pulls in Different Bridges (suspension)<—eval lens?

BK 63—Driving Force (live load back to AoC/Floors)<—eval lens?


Hang a suspension bridge (two chairs)