
Metacognition—cognition about cognition, knowing about knowing. Meta, Greek for after or beyond. Cognitive from the Medieval Latin for known

Awareness empowers us. It removes the blindfold, focuses the lenses and lends us understanding. When we can not only *see* where we're going, but also have an idea of where we want to go, why and how to get there. Just like the XMen training and honing, Cyclops focusing and disciplining his laser-light sight, igniting everything in its path. 

So it is with metacognition. When we're aware of ourselves and each other, our strengths and our weaknesses, our goals and our treasures—then we're better positioned and primed to challenge and support ourselves and each other, bolstering strengths and reinforcing weak spots; reminding each other of the pot(ential) at the end of the rainbow, as we endeavor on, through rain and shine. 

Field Notes, Learning Logs and C3 Chests are all written tools to exercise metacognition; while  group discussions, whiteboard chats/charts/graphs, Total Recall, Turn + Teach and role playing offer a more verbal facet. We do lots of thinking aloud with each other and ourselves, in thought, word and action.