Opening Up Shop

We love ritual. It's helped us survive and evolve from lizards to humans. 

Rituals can help center, focus, and orient us. So we come together every morning to recognize and celebrate ritual, our commitment to ourselves and each other, and our ability to build stronger tomorrows; our ability to pay it back by paying it forward. 

We ignite our hearts and heads, and recognize and commit to the good in ourselves and each other. 

Together we stand + stagger to stretch + ignite our roots, our limbs + our leaves, activate that xylem + reach for the stars. We breathe deep into our bellies, savoring the fresh morning air fresh in our lungs, our hearts, our limbs. At the countdown, we bring our hands to rest upon our heads + we give our brains a squeeze of appreciation + a dose of oxygen, and close and recognize the good in ourselves and each other with a namaste. Then we move quietly, table-by-table to the Sharea. 

We come together in the morning to commit to coming together for the day. We exercise metacognition, self awareness, ownership, and community as we go around the circle and gauge how we're feeling on a scale of 1-5, maybe elaborating a sentence or two at times. We pause for a moment and hold ourselves and each other in our hearts and minds. We light candles in our hearts and heads, and recognize and gesture a quick all hands in gesture before focusing our attention on the calendar.

We are all adventuring through the Time-Space Continuum. We will begin each day by orienting ourselves on our culture's dominant calendar and map relative to when and where we are in our explorations, as well as where we're going over the course of the remaining day, week, and year. We explore these numerical relationships in a variety of perspectives, relationships, and exercises; always connecting our current standing with pasts and futures, near and far; orienting ourselves within numerical, physical, and space-time dimensions in which we find ourselves.

Once we are all oriented and warmed up for the day, we silently touch our temples to signal our readiness to move on. We can stay at the circle or we use the Temple Rolloff to transition quietly and smoothly back to our clusters. Next up: Meeting of the Minds.


Time: 5-10 minutes


  • Hearts
  • Minds
  • **
  • Weave
  • Palm Tree
  • Class Course/Map 
  • Calendar + Question
  • Timeline + Question
  • Maps, Globe (N/S/E/W, Lat/Long, continent, plates, etc.)
  • Unit/Annual Map/Calendar (quick review)
  • Week
  • Day
  • Hours, supplies, exit tickets/next steps
  • Vocab