Seekers Day 1—Morning Meeting

  • What do you notice? 


    Words? (Known & Unknown)




    Faces (NDT, Attenborough, Jane Goodall, space woman and lead woman?)


    first put foot to the ground (from where?)

    timelines (200,000 years?)


    flung themselves and their machines


    we are all children of africa





    survival of the environment


  • What do you want to be? Today? Tomorrow?

    If you could do/be/explore anything and everything over the course of this coming year—what would you do/explore/be?

    Make Popplet and cluster/color code. Save for later. 

    Give me a thumbs up <model near heart> if you’ve thought about being a hero. 

  • What is a hero? How is a hero? Who is a hero? — Discuss and note on whiteboard. 
  • The Hero's Journey
    • Small groups—with the collective examples we just discussed, draw a timeline of a typical hero's story; b/m/e. Once you've sketched it out, everyone draw it in their journal. <determine who presents, >
    • Sharea—bring your journals and a writing utensil. show your group's timeline to the larger group and summarize the beginning, the middle and the end of the general timeline of a hero. 
    • Regroup—
      • Thank you. I notice a pattern, signal if you notice it too—most examples seem to start with a call to adventure, some sort of battle and a resolution. 
      • So—these are our basics. There's a wonderful man by the name of <Joseph Campbell>, and he was fascinated by <myths> to the point that he devoted his entire life to them, starting when he was 14 and whole-heartedly pursuing his passion his entire life. Who in here knows of Star Wars <or maybe we mentioned it earlier.? Campbell's book The Hero with a Thousand Faces inspired George Lucas to create Star Wars, and the two became good friends. Would you guys like to see a closer look at this same pattern through the lens of Joseph Campbell, one of Earth's greatest mythologists? 
      • First off, he noticed many similar themes, repeating themselves incessantly along this same timeline. So <with marker> if we're going a>b>c and back around again and again and again—what do you start to notice? What shape are you beginning to see? Yes—we're beginning to close this loop; we have a circle, a cycle. So Campbell brought the ends of the timeline together to make a circle. Then he added a few more specifics, noting helpers, tests, flight and elixir (solution). Signal if you can think of examples of any of these? Awesome. Please copy the Hero's Journey into your journal for reference, and feel free to note any examples. When you're finished, please quietly close your journal, pen in hands in lap and look at me. I will silently signal you to return to your seat to prepare for Anthropology. You can keep your journal open to study the Hero's Journey graphic—it will prove a helpful tool during our Anthro class. Please help maintain a quiet environment for our friends who are still focusing.