Socratic Circles

Tch Channel—manna from the heavens. Not only do they generously supply solid video examples, but they offer up all supplementary material as well.

Here Patricia Price walks us through Socratic Circles and simply and clearly demonstrates our responsibility to make it their responsibility—and she uses Common Core language to do it.

She leverages essential, open-ended questions to promote discussion among her students and really commits to letting them wrestle with and explore more abstract, intangible ideas, listening, building on ideas, asking questions that deepen the conversation, developing group discussion skills and analyzation. I love that she chooses the word "opportunity" to really listen and observe as they wrestle with an idea independent of our guidance because what an opportunity. I love 6:15. 


  • inner and outer circle
  • 8-13/circle to allow for multiple opportunities to speak
  • partner observes and offers notes on where you might go next
  • rubrics, maps/inside-outside, color coded
  • pick an individual goal, reflect, write one sentence: "my goal for today is to..." (challenge ideas and conclusions, body language and eye contact, etc.)

The process is as follows:

  1. 15 minute discussion (choose a question, proceed organically)
  2. 5 minute coaching break
  3. 10 minute discussion
  4. Repeat
  5. Closing comment.

All necessary documents can be found at Tch.