Seekers Day 2—Morning Meeting

  • Relay—[tables, wb, 5m] So we talked a little bit yesterday about the value of helping each other stay focused and we recognized that times of transition can test our strength there. Signal <model> if you've heard of 'passing the torch'? It's like a relay race, you pass it to the next person, so that they can carry it further. Signal if you've heard of or know what a relay or relay race is. What are the origins? <nod to maps, note how we relay messages today, c/c>
  • Transition to Sharea—[transition, 2m] I want to meet you guys over at the Sharea, so I'm going to pass the torch to someone, who will silently pass it along on their journey to the Sharea. You can pass it to the person to your right or your left, across from you or on the way to the circle—the point is to be quick and quiet, swift and silent. Thank you for helping each other maintain focus.
  • Read The Mother Who Turned to Dust—[Sharea, NM bk, wb, 30m]
    • What was the timeline of this story? <b/m/e> What was a key turning point? <a few, including the strong one standing up and offering to help>
    • Raise your hand if you want to be that Strong One, if you want to help—our mothers, each other, our cities, our planet? 
    • Given that everyone's had some time to consider the map we made yesterday, our goals to generously and curiously challenge and support each other in effort to leave it better than we find it, to pay it forward—is this something you take to heart? <model signal hand over heart, yes?>
  • Palm Tree—[transition to tables]  We are going to Pass the Torch quietly back to our desks. I want us to maintain a sense of silence so that we can all contemplate this valuable commitment and opportunity. As you guys Pass the Torch, I will distribute blue and yellow paint to our table tribes. Please quietly continue your consideration of whether you'd like to raise your hand to help. 
    • Thank you all for nurturing our focus. Signal if you feel like you've had enough time to consider your commitment. Signal if you think it's important. Valuable? Heroic? Do you choose to be a hero? 
    • If you want to commit to generously and curiously challenging and supporting each other throughout our adventures, please show your commitment by combining the two colors at your desks to make your shade of green. Then, as a show of our commitment toward generous and curious growth and development, we will plant our palms on this Palm Tree, under whose shade we will learn and grow together. You have one minute to mix your paint. When you are done, please center it in your desk, place your hands in your lap and look at me. <I see ____ Tribe is ready, thank you... etc.>
    • Now, I could have called you all over individually as you finished—but this is important and a communal commitment. We're all in this together, so I am going to pass the torch to a Table Tribe who is showing me that they are ready to commit to our crew here on Spaceship Earth. We will all watch each tribe plant their palm on the tree, and then we will give them a thumbs up to show our appreciation and support before they take a paper towel, carefully clean up and quietly return to participate from the Sharea in prep for Anthropology.