What's Your Mission Question?

Warren Berger collaborates with some of the country's most powerful CEOs to craft five questions to help leaders hone in on their larger goal or purpose in the Fast Company called Forget The Mission Statement. What's Your Mission Question?  

Since we are all mission-driven leaders, we will launch our year with our own exploration of these questions to craft our classroom community and articulate and explore our role in the larger community. 

Below are my thoughts noted for posterity, exploration and application. 

  1. Why are we here in the first place? To pay it forward and back, to protect and nurture the Spark of Curiosity and the Torch of Wonderstanding, to come together to connect in curiosity and unite in wonderstanding toward stronger and more sustainable tomorrows. 
  2. What does the world need most that we are uniquely able to provide? Curiosity. Scientific Discipline. Tenacity. Courage. Generosity. Appreciation. Attention to Detail. Honor. 
  3. What are we willing to sacrifice? Every breath. 
  4. What matters more than money? The Potentially Infinite Seed. Tomorrow's pregnant potential. Curiosity. Wonderstanding. 
  5. Are we all on this mission together? What other choice is there? What mission more enriching and imperative?