Bridging the Gap, Day 7—Writer's Workshop: Bridging Ideas

SWBAT—Students will be able to. We start every lesson with this ritual to center and focus students so they know their goals, maps and measurements.

Today we will explore, describe and articulate what our own fantasy realms might look, feel, smell, taste and sound like. Who will be there and what adventures will we embark upon? What quests and monsters will we tackle? How will we transport to and from our fantasy realm? What bridges our reality with our fantasy? 

WS.TTP.3.d—Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely. 

WS.LS.VAU.5.—Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. 

WS.LS.VAU.5.a—Explain the meaning of simple similes and metaphors (e.g., as pretty as a picture) in context. 

  • Discuss: Connect our writing/communication to bridges. Graph similarities/differences.
  • Why do we share ideas? What types of ideas do we share? How do we share ideas?
  • Our brains grow by building networks of neurons—do we build literal + metaphorical brain bridges as we learn + digest new concepts + ideas? What kinds of bridges have we been building this week?
  • How about in our Writer's Workshop? Let's think about our own work + the work we've shared this week.
  • During our Workshop today, let's revise, review + polish our current pieces, noting different kinds of bridges from transition words, sentences + compound sentences, to literal bridges + related info to metaphorical extensions + connections.
  • Then we will share, explore + discuss back at our Sharea.
  • 5-10 minutes to amble
  • Group/Individual conferences per needs.
  • Gather, touch temples when ready.
  • 5 minutes to list + discuss some of the bridges we discovered.
  • 5-15 min of sharing + guided discussion of student goals, accomplishments + works in progress.
  • Celebrate each other's hard work with jazz hands.
  • Listening leaders (a crew member who demonstrated strong listening + constructive feedback) will choose clusters to return to their desks + prepare supplies for our next adventure.