Dictionary Divers

Dictionary Divers

Choose a word or select one at random, and read and research its definition across 2-3 cited sources, discussing and diagramming all of its parts and pieces of the whole. 

When and where? Greek? Medieval Latin? What were these places like? How did these words sound and who used them where and for what?

Whole stories built from single words! 

Word stories can be randomly selected for inclusion in our Classroom Blog and Newsletter

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Our temporal tabernacles—where our brains reside. 

We touch our temples not only to communicate "10-4" and "Roger," not only to focus our thought and energy, not only to pause a beat and take a breath—but also to remind us of the sanctuary that rests upon all our shoulders. [...]

Sign language is a powerful tool to help engage brains and bodies while reinforcing communication and understanding throughout the group, empowering kids to agree, disagree and express need for clarity casually and consistently.

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To Beat The Devil, Kris Kristofferson

To Beat The Devil, Kris Kristofferson

And you still can hear me singin' to the people who don't listen,
To the things that I am sayin', prayin' someone's gonna hear.
And I guess I'll die explaining how the things that they complain about,
Are things they could be changin', hopin' someone's gonna care.

I was born a lonely singer, and I'm bound to die the same,
But I've got to feed the hunger in my soul.
And if I never have a nickel, I won't ever die ashamed.
'Cos I don't believe that no-one wants to know.

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Field Notes

Field Notes

These are our personal journals—our Field Notes. In here we note what we see in the wild, patterns we suspect and detect, challenges and maps to solutions...Questions, ideas, thoughts we want to explore, small celebrations and gratitudes throughout the day—this is what we scientists do; observe and note curiosities and patterns and things that grab our attention. I say "we" because I, too, participate and benefit from this exercise.

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Citizens United Newsletter

Citizens United Newsletter

We understand the importance of communication, the sharing of ideas, experiences and curiosities, the intellectual coffee houses of the Enlightenment—and we practice these daily between ourselves, each other and our collective crew in our Field NotesLearning Logs and C3

We document and archive our journeys so that other future adventurers *might* benefit from our adventures and experiences.

And we also understand the importance of reaching beyond our own immediate circle and extending our reach out into our community, to send letters of our adventures to our families back home. 

And we do this in the form of publishing—a real world practice through real-world, professional tools. Crew members get to see their work in the wild and observe it from a distance and in the public realm. As a part of this public service/practice, crew members will also cite their resources to empower future readers to dig deeper and see for themselves. 

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