Seekers Day 1 — Anthropology, Children of Africa

  • Science—energy, living matter; all living things eat
    • So we've been adventuring through African landscapes, eras and mythologies today, and tomorrow we will move up the map a bit north to Egypt and Mesopatamia, just as human tribes did generations ago. Does everyone here know that we are all children of Africa? That is the cradle of our species, from whence we adventured? Would you guys like to see a quick music video about it? <Children of Africa, print/post lyrics>
      • Did anyone see any heroes here? <pioneers, explorers, hunters> What were they doing? Why? How? <resources, food, water, shelter>
      • Do we still need resources, food, water and shelter today? <list some; water, sleep, safety, energy/food/fuel>
      • So we are going to practice our hunting and gathering with our tribes. As we all know, hunters are skilled in silence and focus, so we will all clothe ourselves in our hunting mentality and hunt silently, quietly and focused for 20 seconds. This is more than enough time to get more than you need, so in this scenario, we have room to pleasantly and cooperatively collect what we need. At the sound of the bell, the hunt is up and you will return to your tribe tables with your spoils. The spoils today are truffula fruits which you will keep in your cloth pocket until we all regroup <pom poms, rectangles of material, questions, journals>.
      • So, to recap <timeline on wb> 1) at the sound of the bell, the 20 second silent hunt will begin 2) silently hunt for 20 seconds 3) at the sound of the bell, the hunt ends with us sitting with our poms in our pockets. Is everybody onboard? <all hands in—annnnd (tribal eyes) break>
      • Very nicely done everyone, I appreciate silent hunting skills! Now, with your poms still in your pockets, please take out your math journals and pencils, and take inventory according to the questions on the board. 
        • How many do each of us have? What is the largest number of truffula fruits any one member gathered? The smallest? What's the difference between the largest and the smallest? How many do we have all together? How many do we each get if we divide them up equally? Are there any left over?
        • Next, I want you to discuss among your groups "Why/How did humans invent/discover math? Is math a tool? What is science? Are science and math related?"
        • Then we will come together as a group to discuss. 