Seekers Day 1 — SciEx, Mapping the Year

So we have talked about heroes and our shared African heritage and the creation and use of maps. Would you say a map is a tool?

Now let's look forward to our journey through the upcoming year. I have a map to share with you and a map to build with you. First we will take a quick overview of our journey throughout the year. Then we will discuss our goals here individually and together—is there a muscle you want to exercise and strengthen? What might we accomplish together?

First let's begin by referencing our map. I'll walk you all through a quick overview, and I want you all to pull out your Field Notes and jot down your thoughts, questions, excitements, etc. for us to discuss. <walk through map>

So now we've established that we can journey great adventures and achieve great things—what challenges, obstacles and traps lay in our path? How and where can we find reinforcement and resources? <Group discussion, possible Chalk Talk>.

Create Tribal/Crew Map. 

  • Goal/Treasure—informed, honed curiosity focused toward stronger and more sustainable tomorrows, Wonderstanding
  • Does it hurt or does it help?
  • Elements:
    • Scale—of all time, known and beyond; calendar year.
    • Direction—to leave it better than we found it, does it hurt or does it help?
    • Legend—<scale, compass, resources, hazards>
    • Hazards—obstacles, challenges, traps
      • Helping each other focus
      • Fear
      • Dishonesty
      • Weakness
    • Landmasses/Resources
      • Each other—support each other with:
        • Signals
        • Eye contact
        • Gentle hand on shoulder
      • Structure—daily routines and rituals
      • Supplies & Maintenance
        • Tidying/better than we found it
        • Systems free up brain space


<Signal to speak, generously challenge and support each other, use our powers to build/leave it better than you found it, our tribe in the cosmic desert, Spaceship Earth>