Seekers Day 1 — Writer's Workshop

  • Writing—CoA lyrics, hunters and gatherers of tangible and intangible. 
    • Do we still have heroes today? Who are they? What are they doing? 
    • What problems are our heroes working on today? How can we help? 
    • In Writing Workshop this week, you will choose to work on a Hero's Journey, A Song or a Parable <vs. myth, vs allegory vs fable> We will start by exploring the following: Are we heroes? What makes us strong? Where are us weak? Who are our team mates? What is our journey/goal? Write out your thoughts and we'll share<how> a few during the Share Chair in our Sharea. This is smoothing and readying the foundation for our stories to come. 
  • Adventure: Intro print out so students can mark, notate and highlight. 
  • 7 wk map of mythmaking.