Writing—CoA lyrics, hunters and gatherers of tangible and intangible.
Do we still have heroes today? Who are they? What are they doing?
What problems are our heroes working on today? How can we help?
In Writing Workshop this week, you will choose to work on a Hero's Journey, A Song or a Parable <vs. myth, vs allegory vs fable> We will start by exploring the following: Are we heroes? What makes us strong? Where are us weak? Who are our team mates? What is our journey/goal? Write out your thoughts and we'll share<how> a few during the Share Chair in our Sharea. This is smoothing and readying the foundation for our stories to come.
Adventure: Intro print out so students can mark, notate and highlight.
7 wk map of mythmaking.
Inspiration from teachers, from storytelling to lesson planning, in between and beyond.
Nothing is writ—all is evolving. These units, these blogs—this whole project is a perpetual Work in Progress, honing toward complete units for sharing, discussing and forever improving.
Please shout if you have any ideas or questions!
(in case you're wondering—bolded items are generally future links!)