The Story of Reality

Humans are storytellers. 

Like music, science, math and emotion—storytelling is fluent across all cultures as far back as humans go—tools to unlock, understand and share the magic all around and throughout. 

Math, science, emotion, the art and science of communication—all threads in the story of Reality, all keys to unlock + share. 

Sagan and Campbell know what's up.

We are all 99.9% genetically identical. Born in the bellies of stars, gestated in Earth's waters, only *just* beginning to crawl ashore—only *just* beginning to gaze, bleary-eyed, upon the stars from whence we came. 

Eons and eons of arduous labor, battling forward through time + space, epoch after epoch, storms and doldrums, long, dark ages and bursts of light—all throughout, keeping that Torch of Wonderstanding, that Spark of Curiosity, that Coal of Life going—flickering against the darkness, fueled by enormous luck and the sacrifices of the giants upon whose shoulders we stand, foundations lain down before us after long and arduous climbs. 


And now we find ourselves at the wheel, at the helm—looking outward into the great unknown, wind in our hair, in our sails, in our lungs—propelling us forward. 

We can hunker down and shy away from this great honor, great opportunity to protect and nurture Life, to Live—or we can stand and expand and reach beyond our roles and opportunities and carry this Torch further than we imagined so that, when the wind leaves our hair, our sails, our lungs, our breath still inspires Life for generations to come.