Classroom Treasure Map, Communal Cartographers

Classroom Treasure Map, Communal Cartographers

Life is a journey—we're at the helm. 

The more we collaborate, support, challenge and reinforce, the stronger we all become. 

We are all gathered together as crew on an adventure here in this classroom, a cohort of Earthlings exploring the Uni(Multi?!)verse on Spaceship Earth and in the Spaceships of Imagination. 

To guide us in our journeys? 

Our map. 

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All Superheroes have it, and it can't be given—it must be earned. We can help each other earn, exercise + reinforce it by generously, curiously, courageously + consciously spotting, supporting + holding each other + ourselves accountable.

Shame and humiliation shut down our learning centers and distract us with defensiveness. 

And we don't have time for distraction.

We have before us an incredible mission*We* are the superheroes. The entire Future lay at our mercy, dependent upon our discipline.

It will require courage, tenacity, generosity, curiosity and attention to detail. We will fall and we will rise and we will battle to help bolster and lift all Life around us. Again and again and again. For as long as we can keep ourselves afloat amidst the apparently infinite uni/multiverse...maybe even multiverse?!  

And practice starts now. 

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What's Your Mission Question?

What's Your Mission Question?
  1. Why are we here in the first place? To pay it forward and back, to protect and nurture the Spark of Curiosity and the Torch of Wonderstanding, to come together to connect in curiosity and unite in wonderstanding toward stronger and more sustainable tomorrows. 
  2. What does the world need most that we are uniquely able to provide? Curiosity. Scientific Discipline. Tenacity. Courage. Generosity. Appreciation. Attention to Detail. Honor. 
  3. What are we willing to sacrifice? Every breath. 
  4. What matters more than money? The Potentially Infinite Seed. Tomorrow's pregnant potential. Curiosity. Wonderstanding. 
  5. Are we all on this mission together? What other choice is there? What mission more enriching and imperative? 
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Hello Hero :)

Hello Hero :)

I want to ignite intellects and souls, young and old, today and Tomorrow with the tools and powers and magic of the Story of Reality.

I want to spark the #CuriosityContagion in our Superheroes—to spread curiosity skipping and sparkling about, individual to classroom, classroom to community, today to tomorrow, here and beyond.

I want to build a stronger and more sustainable #FoundationOfTheFuture, enriched with sparkling curiosity and reinforced with the solid rebar of wonderstanding—because there is no more valuable imperative than that foundation.

I want to fight hard for education from the micro to the macro—I want to ignite our collective curiosity and put it to work solving real world problems so that our youth are prepared for today and Tomorrow, so that the spark *might* flicker on, defiantly against the darkness.

I want to help train Superheroes. I want to ignite Stars.

I want to Light up the night.

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